

Status Class Name
Class = Full
Ages Teacher Term Category
1000 Hours Outside: Logging Time Outside With Your Family Ages 6yrs-13yrs St John, Summer Fall 2021 Arts
- General Art
Schedule: Wednesday - Art Studio - 129: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Description:1000 Hours Outside is a curriculum dedicated to getting kids outside and active, while also using nature to get creative. In this class we will be doing projects from the 1000 Hours Outside activity book and learning about the plants and animals of the Pacific Northwest. The curriculum is about the time parents and their kids spend outside together when not in class. If you have a child that is younger, parents welcome to sit in and help with crafts. Spend as much time outside as humanly possible! Rain or shine, it’s all making memories and developing knowledge for your family. Students will need 1 “1000 Hours Outside” activity book and 1 foraging bag (You can buy these at
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$80.00
Supply Fee:$50.00
2D Art - 10-16 Ages 10yrs-14yrs Gregory, Tracy Spring 2023 Arts
- General Art
Schedule: Wednesday - Art Studio - 129: 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
Description:Spring Term 2D Art is an extension of the Fall 2D Art. The class will provide new and fresh projects along with revisiting favorites. The two classes may be taken back to back or independently. The emphasis of this class is to expose students to 2D art mediums and to build their creative skills through the elements and principles of design. Projects may include: Abstract Drawing, Zentangle, Collage, Optical Art, Negative/Positive Space, Color, Perspective, print making and Surrealism. ********Special Note: The instructor has scheduled absences this term so this is a 14 week course and the price has been adjusted to reflect the shortened term. ********
Requirements:No pre-requisites • Supply & teacher payments are due January 9th. Families must respond to Groupzu invoices by this deadline to keep their standing in the class.
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1.5
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$84, Term Total = $84
Class Fee:$135.00
Supply Fee:$45.00
2D Art - High School Ages 14yrs-18yrs Gregory, Tracy Spring 2022 Arts
- General Art
Schedule: Tuesday - Art Studio - 129: 10:00 am - 11:20 am
Description:"2D Art will explore several disciplines: drawing, painting, silhouette, & collage. We will be using Micron Pens, colored pencils, guache, construction paper, bristol paper, x-acto knives and various other tools and art supplies. This class is suitable for all artistic skill levels. The emphasis of this class is to expose students to 2D art mediums and to build their creative skills through the elements and principles of design. Projects may include: Abstract Drawing, Zendoodle, Perspective Drawing, Collage, Optial Art, Negative Space. In this class students will: Generate, conceptualize, organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Refine and complete artistic work. Come to class with: pencil, sketchbook (provided) and homework complete. In this class students are expected to: Be respectful, give their best effort, be prepared for class and have fun! Projects will be worked on in class and may require additional at home work. Ample amounts of work time is provided for the students, if using time allotted students will have minimal home work. Each student will receive a chipboard to keep their work neat, micron pens to keep, a sketch book and all the supplies needed to complete their projects."
Billable Hours Per Week:1.5
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$150.00
Supply Fee:$40.00
2D Art - Middle/Elementary Ages 9yrs-13yrs Gregory, Tracy Fall 2022 Arts
- General Art
Schedule: Wednesday - Art Studio - 129: 3:00 pm - 4:20 pm
Description:2D Art will explore several disciplines: drawing, painting, silhouette, & collage. We will be using Micron Pens, colored pencils, gouache, construction paper, bristol paper, x-acto knives and various other tools and art supplies. This class is suitable for all artistic skill levels. The emphasis of this class is to expose students to 2D art mediums and to build their creative skills through the elements and principles of design. Projects may include: Abstract Drawing, Zentangle, Collage, Optial Art, Negative Space and Surrealism In this class students will: Generate, conceptualize, organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Refine and complete artistic work. Come to class with: pencil, sketchbook (provided) and homework complete. In this class students are expected to: Be respectful, give their best effort, be prepared for class and have fun! Projects will be worked on in class and may require additional at home work (30 minutes/week). An ample amount of work time during class is provided for the students, if using time allotted students the need for homework will be negligible. When possible I will loan supplies to students to take home so they may complete their project on their own time.
Requirements:The projects are chosen to suit all levels of artistic skill. No pre-requisite needed. All supplies are provided by the teacher, some are shared and some are for the student to keep. Students will be given a sketchbook, for sketching ideas, practicing techniques taught in class, taking notes on homework and general doodling of their own volition. Parents please make a habit of responding to Slack messages, so I know you have read them, either with a reply in thread or an emoji.
Billable Hours Per Week:1.5
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $96
Class Fee:$150.00
Supply Fee:$40.00
2D Art - Middle/Elementary Ages 9yrs-13yrs Gregory, Tracy Spring 2022 Arts
- General Art
Schedule: Wednesday - Art Studio - 129: 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Description:"2D Art will explore several disciplines: drawing, painting, silhouette, & collage. We will be using Micron Pens, colored pencils, guache, construction paper, bristol paper, x-acto knives and various other tools and art supplies. This class is suitable for all artistic skill levels. The emphasis of this class is to expose students to 2D art mediums and to build their creative skills through the elements and principles of design. Projects may include: Abstract Drawing, Zendoodle, Perspective Drawing, Collage, Optial Art, Negative Space. In this class students will: Generate, conceptualize, organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Refine and complete artistic work. Come to class with: pencil, sketchbook (provided) and homework complete. In this class students are expected to: Be respectful, give their best effort, be prepared for class and have fun! Projects will be worked on in class and may require additional at home work. Ample amounts of work time is provided for the students, if using time allotted students will have minimal home work. Each student will receive a chipboard to keep their work neat, micron pens to keep, a sketch book and all the supplies needed to complete their projects."
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$40.00
A Dance Class For Moms Ages 19yrs+ Kehler, Alexa Fall 2023 Dance
- General Dance
Schedule: Wednesday - Dance Studio A - 116: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:REQUIRES AN ADMIN TO REGISTER ADULTS! Have you ever wanted to learn to dance or to return to the art of dancing that you love? Now is your chance! We will be covering four different dance styles throughout the year. This class is for all skill levels; those new to dance, as well as seasoned dancers who want to work on their flexibility and technique. We will learn a short dance by the end of each section. Weeks 1-8 will cover Lyrical and weeks 9-16 will be Ballet. During second semester weeks 1-8 will be Jazz and weeks 9-16 will be Tap. Teen daughters are welcome to take the class with you. This is a non-performing class.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$80.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
A Dance Class For Moms Ages 10yrs-19yrs+ Kehler, Alexa Spring 2024 Dance
- General Dance
Schedule: Wednesday - Dance Studio A - 116: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:REQUIRES AN ADMIN TO REGISTER ADULTS! Have you ever wanted to learn to dance or to return to the art of dancing that you love? Now is your chance! We will be covering four different dance styles throughout the year. This class is for all skill levels; those new to dance, as well as seasoned dancers who want to work on their flexibility and technique. We will learn a short dance by the end of each section. Weeks 1-8 will cover Lyrical and weeks 9-16 will be Ballet. During second semester weeks 1-8 will be Jazz and weeks 9-16 will be Tap. Teen daughters are welcome to take the class with you. This is a non-performing class.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$80.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
ABC Explorers Ages 3yrs-5yrs Bates, Savannah Spring 2024 Early Education
Schedule: Tuesday - Preschool A - 131: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Join us for a fun and engaging exploration of the ABC’s! Each week kiddos will be introduced to two new letters as we venture through the alphabet. We will learn about each letter with songs, sign language, sensory activities, storybooks, crafts and play. We may even throw in some dancing! Throughout the term each child will be working on creating an alphabet book that they get to take home on the last day of class.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$120.00
Supply Fee:$20.00
ABC's & 123 Play Ages 3yrs-6yrs Brand, Alexis Fall 2023 Early Education
Schedule: Tuesday - Preschool A - 131: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Lines, lines and more lines! All letters and numbers are made up of lines: straight, curvy, big, or small. In this play based class we will use stories and movement as a foundation to our exploration of letters and numbers. Every class will start with a fun and engaging circle time. We'll then break out into child directed open ended activities that support concepts practiced at circle time. This class is geared for children 3.5-6 and children who are ready to practice identifying letter/sounds, numbers, quantifying numbers, and writing letters & numbers. Children should be able to engage in a 20 minute circle time without much assistance. This class follows the letters & numbers sequence in the Learning Without Tears book and would pair nicely, although not required, if your family chooses to use that curriculum at home. This would be an excellent class for both terms but is not limited to a full year class. Just know in the second term we will not be starting new but will be continuing what was learned in the first term. Some children could jump in second term and others might not. That all depends on your child and I am happy to assist you if you are unsure. My background is in early childhood education before I became a mom and I just love these early learners! I look forward to connecting with you and your family! Feel free to contact me on Slack with any questions.
Requirements:Ages 3.5-6. Children should be able to attend and engage at a 20min circle time without much assistance.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$120.00
Supply Fee:$25.00
ABCs & 123s Ages 2yrs-5yrs Cooper, Rene Spring 2025 Early Education
Schedule: Thursday - Preschool A - 131: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Welcome to ABCs and 123s! In this preschool class, we’ll have fun exploring the alphabet and counting up to 100, all through playful activities with friends. Circle time and stories will feature puppets and interactive movement, creativity, and hands-on learning to make letters and numbers exciting and memorable for young learners!
Requirements:Must be able to attend a 50 min class without parent. Please make sure the restroom is used before class.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$5, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$5.00

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