Tutoring and Mentoring Programs


The Tutoring Program is ideal for students in need of extra help in virtually any subject. The compassionate and competent tutors in this department are here to help your student gain the tools and self-confidence they need to work through the subjects they’re struggling in.

adult and teen tutors available

Adult Tutors are available to meet with you and your student and will tailor a plan to meet the academic needs of your student. Adult Tutors set their own schedule, so please contact them individually to set up an appointment. View our tutoring options.

Firmly Planted is excited to provide teens with the opportunity to earn money while tutoring a subject they’ve proven to be efficient in. The younger students being tutored benefit by learning from someone closer to their age, potentially creating a lasting friendship. Appointments with the teen tutors are all scheduled through Collette Connor at a standard rate of $17 an hour.


This is a great opportunity for your student to form a relationship with an adult or teen mentor at the Center. These mentors will become like a buddy to your student as well as someone who will listen, read books, and play games with them. Your student may hardly notice how much they’re learning and the valuable life lessons being taught, while engaging in fun activities with their new friend and mentor.

Research has proven children develop good relationship skills through engaging conversations with others who genuinely listen and seek to cultivate healthy relationships.

Through the Mentoring Program your student will also have the ability to choose other fun activities with their mentor such as crafts, writing stories, creating their own set of instructions for a board game, and much more. The opportunities for this Mentoring Program stretch as far as your imagination. We're here to help!

Appointments with mentors are all scheduled through Collette Connor at a standard rate of $17 an hour.

Become a Teen Tutor or Mentor*

*Please earmark your application to the Tutoring/Mentoring department.

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