

Status Class Name
Class = Full
Ages Teacher Term Category
Teen Fitness A Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Fall 2021 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Monday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$72.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness A Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Spring 2022 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Monday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$72.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness A Ages 11yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Fall 2023 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Wednesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Introducing your kids to health and fitness at a young age is key to a good, healthy relationship with exercise. Teen Fitness teaches your kids how to work hard, work in a team environment and have good sportsmanship. Starting off the class with a fun game to get everyone moving and finishing off with a challenging workout, Teen Fitness is a great way to introduce your kids to exercise.
Requirements:Workout clothes and water bottle
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$87.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness A Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Spring 2023 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Monday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$82.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness A Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Fall 2022 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Monday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$82.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness B Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Fall 2022 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Wednesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$82.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness B Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Fall 2021 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Wednesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$72.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness B Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Spring 2022 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Wednesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$72.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Fitness B Ages 12yr-19yr+ Kvalvik, Devin Spring 2023 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Wednesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Great introduction for teens into the fitness space while learning team work good sportsmanship. Bring water bottle and workout clothes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$82.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Teen Gameplay! Ages 12yr-18yr Triplett, Kim Spring 2022
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 224: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Description:This class is for teenage students to connect through playing both new and familiar games. There will be a variety of games to choose from each week of many different styles - board, dice and card. With the instructor's permission, students may bring a favorite game from home to share. No materials, homework, or prerequisites.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$32.00
Supply Fee:$0.00

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