

Status Class Name
Class = Full
Ages Teacher Term Category
Upper Elementary Pottery Wheel Ages 10yr-12yr Gregory, Tracy Fall 2024 Arts
- Ceramics
Schedule: Tuesday - Ceramics Studio - 004: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:This class is for beginning, intermediate and advanced pottery wheel students. Students will be guided in wheel throwing techniques with the goal of making functional pieces for use in their homes and spaces. They will be encouraged to bring their own ideas to the classroom. Students will receive instruction in basic terminology of the ceramic’s studio pertaining to clay body, stages of clay, surface decorating techniques and the many curious and helpful tools potters use to create their own signature style. Teaching through lecture & demonstration, as well as 1:1 instruction will all be given in this course.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Specialty
Admin Fee:$5, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$75.00
Upper Teen Pottery Wheel Ages 16yr-19yr+ Gregory, Tracy Spring 2024 Arts
- Ceramics
Schedule: Tuesday - Ceramics Studio - 004: 1:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:This class is for beginning and returning pottery wheel students. Students will be guided in wheel throwing techniques with the goal of making functional pieces for use in their homes and spaces. They will be encouraged to bring their own ideas to the classroom and will be given exciting demos. Students will also receive instruction in basic terminology of the ceramics studio pertaining to clay body, stages of clay becoming ceramics and the many curious and helpful tools potters use to create their own signature style. Teaching through lecture & demonstration, as well as 1:1 instruction will all be given in this course.
Assistants:Emily Heaward
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Specialty
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $128
Class Fee:$225.00
Supply Fee:$100.00
US Constitution 1787 A Ages 11yr-19yr+ Ringnalda, Andrew Fall 2021 Social Studies
- Government
Schedule: Tuesday - Science Lab - 127: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Using "Your Rugged Constitution" as our guide we plunge it to the richness and wisdom of our founding documents. These documents are based on the premise that All mankind is created equal and endowed by their creator with unalienable rights. That each individual is made in the image of God. Therefore the protection and order that the constitution sets forth reflects that knowledge. My aim is to impart that wisdom while impowering the student that they are valuable and have a responsibility to get involved! Homework: 1hr/wk
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$64, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$55.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
US Constitution 1787 B Ages 11yr-19yr+ Ringnalda, Andrew Fall 2021 Social Studies
- Government
Schedule: Tuesday - Science Lab - 127: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Description:Using "Your Rugged Constitution" as our guide we plunge it to the richness and wisdom of our founding documents. These documents are based on the premise that All mankind is created equal and endowed by their creator with unalienable rights. That each individual is made in the image of God. Therefore the protection and order that the constitution sets forth reflects that knowledge. My aim is to impart that wisdom while impowering the student that they are valuable and have a responsibility to get involved! Homework: 1hr/wk
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$64, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$55.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
US Geography Ages 9yr-12yr Valenti, Jill Spring 2024 Social Studies
- Geography
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 135: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Monday - Computer Lab - 125: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Description:Come learn about the great states of the USA! In this class, students will learn the locations, capitals, postal abbreviations, and nicknames of all fifty states through a combination of workbook activities, map work, and a whole lot of games. This class includes weekly homework and quizzes in a low stress environment which makes it a good fit for students who will be progressing to more academic classes next year.
Requirements:Students will have weekly homework to look up the capital, postal abbreviation, nickname, and a fun fact for the states. Access to the internet or a book on states will be needed to complete the assignments. The class workbook will be provided as part of the materials fee.
Homework:Up to 3 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Specialty
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$25.00
Visual Latin (Fall) Ages 12yr-18yr Ringnalda, Andrew Fall 2022 Language Arts
- Foreign Language
Schedule: Wednesday - Science Lab - 127: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Salvete, discipuli et discipulae! Studeamus simul Latine. Latin forms the basis for many languages, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian, and contributes much to English vocabulary. Knowledge of Latin also assists students in mastering scientific and medical terminology. Understanding Latin grammar will help students understand English grammar as well. We will be using Compass Classroom’s Visual Latin, a curriculum that is designed to give students who successfully complete the class the ability to read the Latin Bible to a fair degree of comprehension. This course emphasizes reading and writing in Latin. Compass Classroom is offering the Visual Latin curriculum to us for a licensing fee of $50. This allows students to download all the necessary class materials as well as the video lessons for lifetime use. We will also be using several Latin primers from the early 1900s. This is a full-year class. There will be about an hour of homework each school day to keep up with the class. Registered students will be provided with the coupon code to purchase the materials through Compass Classroom. Instructor will administer and correct tests and keep grade records.
Homework:Up to 5 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Specialty
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Visual Latin (Spring) Ages 12yr-18yr Ringnalda, Andrew Spring 2023 Language Arts
- Foreign Language
Schedule: Wednesday - Science Lab - 127: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Salvete, discipuli et discipulae! Studeamus simul Latine. Latin forms the basis for many languages, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian, and contributes much to English vocabulary. Knowledge of Latin also assists students in mastering scientific and medical terminology. Understanding Latin grammar will help students understand English grammar as well. We will be using Compass Classroom’s Visual Latin, a curriculum that is designed to give students who successfully complete the class the ability to read the Latin Bible to a fair degree of comprehension. This course emphasizes reading and writing in Latin. Compass Classroom is offering the Visual Latin curriculum to us for a licensing fee of $50. This allows students to download all the necessary class materials as well as the video lessons for lifetime use. We will also be using several Latin primers from the early 1900s. This is a full-year class. There will be about an hour of homework each school day to keep up with the class. Registered students will be provided with the coupon code to purchase the materials through Compass Classroom. Instructor will administer and correct tests and keep grade records.
Homework:Up to 5 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Specialty
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Volleyball 1 Ages 8yr-11yr Brown, Sonia Spring 2024 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Description:Come and learn basic fundamentals of volleyball through age specific drills. We'll use lighter balls called volley-lites, balloons and beach balls to develop skills in passing, setting, hitting and serving. A heavy emphasis is on sportsmanship and becoming a good teammate. Let the fun begin! All levels are welcome. We'll meet in the Auditorium or Outside depending on the weather.
Requirements:Athletic pants/shorts and shoes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$96.00
Supply Fee:$10.00
Volleyball 1 Ages 8yr-11yr Brown, Sonia Fall 2024 Physical Fitness
- Sports
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Description:Welcome to volleyball! In this class we will learn the basic fundamentals of volleyball, through age specific drills. We'll use lighter balls called volley-lites, balloons and beach balls to develop skills in passing, setting, hitting and serving. A heavy emphasis is on sportsmanship and becoming a good teammate. All levels are welcome.
Requirements:Athletic shoes (no sandals, boots, or socks), athletic shirt and pants/ shorts, water bottle.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$5, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$15.00
Volleyball 1 Ages 8yr-11yr Brown, Sonia Fall 2023 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Description:Come learn basic fundamentals of volleyball through age specific drills. We'll use balloons, beach balls, and lighter balls called volley-lites to develop skills in passing, setting, hitting and serving. . A heavy emphasis is on sportsmanship and becoming a good teammate. The class will be held outside until the gym is ready for indoors volleyball. In case of rain or bad weather we can use the Auditorium and play volleyball using the beach balls and the balloons. Let the fun begin!
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$96.00
Supply Fee:$10.00

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