

Status Class Name
Class = Full
Ages Teacher Term Category
Volleyball 2 Ages 12yr-16yr Brown, Sonia Spring 2024 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:This class is for volleyball enthusiasts! Bring your competitive spirit and learn skills and rules for playing the game of volleyball! We will work on fundamentals to be successful on the court as well as individual skill work, and team play. Let the fun begin! All levels are welcome. We'll meet in the Auditorium or Outside depending on the weather.
Requirements:athletic pants and shoes
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$96.00
Supply Fee:$10.00
Volleyball 2 Ages 12yr-16yr Brown, Sonia Fall 2023 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:This class is for volleyballs enthusiasts! Bring your competitive spirit and learn skills and rules for playing the game of volleyball! We will work on fundamentals to be successful on the court as well as individual skill work, and team play. The class will be held outside until the gym is ready for indoors volleyball. In case of rain or bad weather we can use the Auditorium and play badminton over the net and volleyball using the beach balls. Let the fun begin!
Requirements:Water bottle and athletic shoes, shorts or pants.
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$96.00
Supply Fee:$10.00
Volleyball 2 Ages 12yr-16yr Brown, Sonia Fall 2024 Physical Fitness
- Sports
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:This class is for volleyball enthusiasts! Bring your competitive spirit and learn skills and rules for playing the game of volleyball! We will work on fundamentals to be successful on the court as well as individual skill work, and team play. All levels are welcome.
Requirements:Athletic shoes, shorts/pants, no boots or socks. Water bottle would be helpful
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$5, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$15.00
Volleyball Skills, Drills and Games 1 Ages 10yr-12yr Brown, Sonia Spring 2022 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:In this class, beginner volleyball players are going to learn the basics of passing, setting, spiking and serving through a variety of fun drills and games.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$112.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Volleyball Skills, Drills and Games 2 Ages 13yr-15yr Brown, Sonia Spring 2022 Physical Fitness
- General Fitness
Schedule: Tuesday - Auditorium - 002: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Description:In this class, players are going to learn the skills of passing, setting, spiking and serving through a variety of drills and games.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$112.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Washington State History Ages 9yr-11yr Hunt, Stacie Spring 2022 Social Studies
- American History
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Students will learn all about our wonderful state of WA in a fun, interactive history class for 4th and 5th grade students. Students will create interactive notebooks, discover the Corp of Discovery through literature, participate in reader's theatre, and most importantly, learn the history of the people and events that shaped our state. Bring a composition notebook, pencils, scissors, colored pencils. For second semester, the novel The Captain's Dog Homework: 30 minutes/week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$96, Term Total = $96
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Washington State History Ages 10yr-13yr Zarzana, Angie Spring 2024 Social Studies
- American History
Schedule: Thursday - Classroom - 220: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Let's learn about the beautiful state of Washington!! In this class, we will look at the history of how Washington grew from a rich territory to the 42nd state in the Union. We will look at the native communities that first called Washington home, many different countries that sought this fertile land, and the impact Washington has made on the economy of the US. Along with informative slides and videos, I will be sharing chapters of "A Horse's Tale: Ten Adventures In One Hundred Years", a book about the history of Washington told through the eyes of ten different kids from ten different regions of the state. This class is an elective with little to no outside homework.
Requirements:Come to class ready to learn and participate in class discussion.
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4.00, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$110.00
Supply Fee:$10.00
Washington State History Ages 9yr-11yr Hunt, Stacie Fall 2021 Social Studies
- American History
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Students will learn all about our wonderful state of WA in a fun, interactive history class for 4th and 5th grade students. Students will create interactive notebooks, discover the Corp of Discovery through literature, participate in reader's theatre, and most importantly, learn the history of the people and events that shaped our state. Bring a composition notebook, pencils, scissors, colored pencils. For second semester, the novel The Captain's Dog Homework: 30 minutes/week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$96, Term Total = $96
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Western Art History (Fall) Ages 15yr-18yr Gregory, Tracy Fall 2022 Social Studies
- World History
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Students will study and investigate history through the lens of Art. How did art genres respond to or become influenced by the social, political, and environmental climate of the day. This is a year long course study. Fall/Winter Semester will begin in the Prehistoric and Ancient time period of ~4000 BC - 400 AD. It will conclude approximately during the Art Nouveau genre that ended in 1910. Spring Semester will pick up with the events leading to WWI and carry through to current events of the 21st Century. The Art Genre’s of these time frames include Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Art Nouveau, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, OP Art, Pop Art, Minimalism and Contemporary. Each and everyone one of these genres is connected with current events of their time. My goal is lead the students as they explore the events with open fresh minds, and to leave behind any notion of stuffy old boring dead people that feel disconnected and unremarkable in the context of the students current daily living and navigating their current world.
Requirements:This is a CORE class. It has a high level of expectation on the students, parents and the teacher. The course work may include: lecture, scholarly discovery, report and or essay assignments, quizzes, art discovery project and a final presentation (in lieu of a final test). There will be approximately 2.5 hours of homework per week on average (30 minutes/day). I require interactive acknowledgment of Slack posts to our class channel (emoji count) Materials: No text book required. The supply fee will cover hand outs and art project supplies as needed. Access to a computer and printer, as well as the ability to access Google Scholar and/or peer reviewed library text for generating research to complete assignments is necessary. From time to time there may be scholarly videos online, to watch as part of their assignments as well. Students will supply a dedicated three ring binder (1 ½ - 2”) with topic dividers to keep their handouts, assignments and quizzes organized.
Homework:Up to 3 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$115.00
Supply Fee:$25.00
Western Art History (Spring) Ages 15yr-18yr Gregory, Tracy Spring 2023 Social Studies
- World History
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Students will study and investigate history through the lens of art. How did art genres respond to or become influenced by the social, political, and environmental climate of the day? What were the governing bodies of the time, what was civilization like, what have we pieced together from archeological discoveries and how do all of these events and people correspond with a biblical timeline? *************New students may join and will receive ½ History credit for their academic transcript. Spring term will begin with the latter half of the Classical Antiquity period beginning with the Romanesque & Gothic genres.
Requirements:****Materials: Purchase the Master and His Apprentices text book ($35 e-book) Students will supply a dedicated three ring binder (1 ½ - 2”) with topic dividers to keep their handouts, textbook and assignments organized. ****Time Management: There will be approximately 2.5 hours of homework per week on average (30 minutes/day), including time spent on Midterm and Final projects. ****Access to a computer and printer, as well as the ability to access Google Scholar and/or peer reviewed library text for generating research to complete assignments is necessary. • Supply & teacher payments are due January 9th. Families must respond to Groupzu invoices by this deadline to keep their standing in the class.
Homework:Up to 3 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$115.00
Supply Fee:$25.00

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