

Status Class Name
Class = Full
Ages Teacher Term Category
Algebra 2 M/W Ages 15yr-18yr Heather Cates Winter/Spring 2021 Math
Schedule: Monday - Science Lab - 127: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Wednesday - Science Lab - 127: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Description:PREREQUISITE - must have completed fall/winter term in order to register for this class. Not accepting new students. Using the curriculum Math-U-See, students will learn about Algebra 2. The course covers topics involving factoring polynomials, using the quadratic formula, applying the binomial theorem, and working with imaginary numbers. Each week, students will be taught a new lesson on Monday with review and practice on Wednesdays. Video lessons will be made available for support.
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$120, Term Total = $120
Class Fee:$104.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
American Civics Ages 12yr-19yr+ Heather Van Meter Fall 2022 Social Studies
- Government
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 228: 11:00 am - 11:50 am
Description:This class will provide the foundations for American citizenship, foundations and operation of the United States government, and provide students with an understanding of civic participation including the tools to research candidates and issues. Students will be encouraged to be informed voters and participants in American democracy.
Requirements:Students grades 6-12. No prerequisites.
Homework:Up to 2 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$95.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
American Civics and Economics Ages 14yr-18yr Heather Cates Spring 2022 Social Studies
- Government
Schedule: Thursday - Classroom - 218: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Description:This course will be divided into 2 semesters. Civics will cover a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and government with a history of government foundations and development. Economics will cover the laws of supply and demand, money, history of money, prices, the influence on the economy, and inflation/deflation. Both courses will include projects, small group activities, essays, and presentations. Homework: 2-4 hours/week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$80, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$2.00
American Civics and Economics Ages 14yr-18yr Heather Cates Fall 2021 Social Studies
- Government
Schedule: Thursday - Classroom - 218: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Description:This course will be divided into 2 semesters. Civics will cover a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and government with a history of government foundations and development. Economics will cover the laws of supply and demand, money, history of money, prices, the influence on the economy, and inflation/deflation. Both courses will include projects, small group activities, essays, and presentations. Homework: 2-4 hours/week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$80, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$2.00
American Civil War, Faith & Modern Culture Ages 13yr-18yr Matthew Vanderford Fall 2022 Social Studies
- American History
Schedule: Thursday - Science Lab - 127: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Description:A look at the American Civil War through the lens of a biblical worldview. We will briefly explore other civil wars, slavery, and the faith of popular and political figures of the era, as well as a chronological look at the lead up, the war, and the long term effects that lead directly into modern cultural war issues. Teacher will provide course text book. During this course we will be exploring a Civil War novel which is also provided by the teacher. Students will have access to extra resources on the subject, if needed.
Requirements:High School level course. Weekly prep reading, discussion, quizzes and short papers will all be expected from the students.
Homework:Up to 4 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Specialty
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$95.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
American History - Reenactment Ages 10yr-15yr Jayri Zalozh Spring 2023 Theater
Schedule: Tuesday - Dance Studio A - 116: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Many young students find History boring and have a hard time remembering things they learned in History class, but it is so important to know our history so why not have fun with it? In this class we will be learning about and reenacting 4 major events in American History and the details that led up to these events. The events are the American Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War 1, & World War 2. Students will be given a part and a script and will perform each event. My goal is to help students retain their knowledge of American History and hopefully foster an interest in it as well.
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Elective
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $64
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$15.00
American History and Civics Ages 12yr-15yr Desirae Kirkwood Winter/Spring 2021 Social Studies
- American History
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 224: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:What better way to kick off an election year with a healthy dose of civics and the beginning of this great country? A saying that is repeated in my class is, "History repeats itself." Over and over again from creation to our current situation, our ancestors have already lived through tumultuous times, trials and errors, highs and lows. It is important to identify this as a way to become a well informed contributing member of society. Furthermore, through our civics component, your students will understand how the government works and gain a solid understanding of why we should be proud to live in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Purchase: Abecka Land I Love 3rd addition, Abecka civics activity book Must check with teacher before registering as this is a continuing year-long class.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$80, Term Total = $80
Class Fee:$75.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
American Sign Language 1 Ages 5yr-9yr Summer St John Spring 2022 Language Arts
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 228: 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Description:This sign language class is for young kids to learn simple beginner signs like greetings, foods, and colors. Students will have fun learning the different ways they can use ASL, and memory games to memorize signs. Parents are more than welcome to sit in and learn the signs with them! Students must have hands, a face full of expression, and a heart to learn a new language. The amount of time put into practicing will depend on the student or parent.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$80.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
American Sign Language 1 Ages 5yr-9yr Summer St John Fall 2021 Language Arts
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 224: 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Description:This sign language class is for young kids to learn simple beginner signs like greetings, foods, and colors. Students will have fun learning the different ways they can use ASL, and memory games to memorize signs. Parents are more than welcome to sit in and learn the signs with them! Students must have hands, a face full of expression, and a heart to learn a new language. The amount of time put into practicing will depend on the student or parent.
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$80.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
American Sign Language 2 Ages 10yr-18yr Summer St John Spring 2022 Language Arts
Schedule: Tuesday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Welcome to ASL Level 2! In this class, students from the Sign Language For Beginners class are invited to dive deeper into conversation and communication in sign language. Anyone with experience in sign language, or a drive to be challenged into a new language, is also welcome. This class will be immersion (which means no talking), so students are required to know how to read in order to learn the words written on the board. Parents are also welcome to sit in. Practice by students outside of class is dependent on the student and their parents.
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$32, Term Total = $32
Class Fee:$90.00
Supply Fee:$0.00

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