

Status Class Name
Class = Full
Ages Teacher Term Category
Middle School English and Writing (Spring) Ages 11yr-13yr Stacie Hunt Spring 2023 Language Arts
- English
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Middle school aged students will work to improve their communication skills through oral and written communication. We will focus heavily on the Writing Process, the Traits of Writing, and practice these concepts through expository writing, argumentative writing, and public speaking. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the use of text evidence to support our opinions. In order to do this, students will be expected to research and read a variety of articles that relate to their chosen topics. Also, articles and plays from Scope Magazine by Scholastic will be used occasionally as a way to expand ideas and discussion. Grammar and vocabulary will be woven throughout using Simple Solutions and teacher chosen grammar activities. *Fee note: Students re-enrolling for the second semester will pay a $15 supply fee vs $35 as your workbook was purchased the first semester. Fees will be adjusted after enrollment.
Requirements:Bring a composition notebook, scissors, pencils, highlighters
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $128
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$35.00
Upper Elementary English (Spring) Ages 8yr-10yr Stacie Hunt Spring 2023 Language Arts
- English
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 11:00 am - 11:50 am
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 11:00 am - 11:50 am
Description:Upper Elementary English Students in third, fourth, and fifth grades will work to improve their communication skills through oral and written communication. We will focus heavily on the Writing Process, the Traits of Writing, and practice these concepts through expository, persuasive, and narrative writing. Students will also learn to support their ideas through text evidence. Picture books will be used to illustrate the six traits of writing, as well as books on our great states of America when we tackle our persuasive writing piece. The novel Because of Winn-Dixie will be read during the second semester. Grammar and vocabulary will be woven throughout using the grammar workbook, Simple Solutions. *Fee note: Students re-enrolling for the second semester will pay a $15 supply fee vs $35 as your workbook was purchased the first semester. Fees will be adjusted after enrollment.
Requirements:Bring a composition style notebook, pencils, pens, colored pencils, scissors.
Homework:Up to 2 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $128
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$35.00
Upper Elementary English (Fall) Ages 8yr-10yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2022 Language Arts
- English
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 11:00 am - 11:50 am
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 11:00 am - 11:50 am
Description:Students in third, fourth, and fifth grades will work to improve their communication skills through oral and written communication. We will focus heavily on the Writing Process, the Traits of Writing, and practice these concepts through expository, persuasive, and narrative writing. Students will also learn to support their ideas through text evidence. Grammar and vocabulary will be woven throughout.
Requirements:Bring a composition style notebook, pencils, pens, colored pencils, scissors.
Homework:Up to 2 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $128
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$35.00
Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking (Fall) Ages 13yr-15yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2022 Language Arts
- Writing
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Description:Students will work to improve their argumentative writing by flexing their critical thinking muscles. We will begin the semester by analyzing written work and developing a baseline for what good argument writing looks like. We will read and discuss scenarios that involve the need for solid argument and text based evidence to persuade an audience, developing a foundation for writing our own arguments. Students will then work together to solve a real world issue. In a proposal argument, students will describe a significant problem and a reasonable solution, applying all of the skills developed in the first semester. We will also improve our critical thinking through reading, writing, and discussion, and will attend to basic research skills, including MLA documentation. Additionally, we will practice the writing traits of word choice, sentence structure, ideas and organization.. Texts will include traditional sources such as a writing handbook, but we will also examine the arguments in other texts—in popular culture, advertisements, and websites. Students need to have access to a laptop or tablet that they can bring to class and use at home for research and word processing.
Requirements:If you are in 7th grade, you must have taken my Middle School English class as a prerequisite. Bring a laptop or tablet, paper, pencils, highlighters, binder or other organization system.
Homework:Up to 2 Hours Week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $128
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$25.00
Middle School English and Writing (Fall) Ages 11yr-13yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2022 Language Arts
- English
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Description:Middle school aged students will work to improve their communication skills through oral and written communication. We will focus heavily on the Writing Process, the Traits of Writing, and practice these concepts through expository writing, argumentative writing, and public speaking. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the use of text evidence to support our opinions. Grammar and vocabulary will be woven throughout.
Requirements:Bring a composition notebook, scissors, pencils, highlighters
Homework:< 1 Hour Week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Core
Admin Fee:$4, Term Total = $128
Class Fee:$125.00
Supply Fee:$35.00
Special Education Consultation and Support Ages 5yr-19yr+ Stacie Hunt Fall 2022 Special Education
Description:I can: Help identify behavior issues that may be caused by underlying learning and thinking differences. Teach strategies to improve focus, work habits, and be a more effective learner. Teach time management and organization skills. Work with parents to understand their child’s IEP or 504 plan and how to work with them at home, and advocate for them within the school setting. Provide a safe environment for your child to talk about school or learning challenges and learn how to self-advocate. Act as a link between home and school and/or help coordinate with other specialists both in and out of the school setting. Work towards goals set forth by other school or private professionals working with your child. Provide intervention level tutoring services and/or recommend programs to use with your struggling learner at home. $75/hr
Billable Hours Per Week:1
Admin Tier:Private
Admin Fee:$0, Term Total = $0
Class Fee:$75.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Middle School English and Writing Ages 11yr-13yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2021 Language Arts
- English
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Description:Middle school aged students will work to improve their communication skills through oral and written communication. We will focus heavily on the Writing Process, the Traits of Writing, and practice these concepts through expository writing, argumentative writing, and public speaking. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the use of text evidence to support our opinions. In order to do this, students will be expected to research and read a variety of articles that relate to their chosen topics. Also, articles and plays from Scope Magazine by Scholastic will be used occasionally as a way to expand ideas and discussion. Grammar and vocabulary will be woven throughout using Simple Solutions and teacher chosen grammar activities. Bring a composition notebook, scissors, pencils, highlighters *Fee note: Students re-enrolling for the second semester will pay a $15 supply fee vs $35 as your workbook was purchased the first semester. Fees will be adjusted after enrollment. Homework: 60 mins/wk
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$96, Term Total = $96
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Ages 13yr-15yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2021 Language Arts
- Writing
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Description:Students will work to improve their argumentative writing by flexing their critical thinking muscles. We will begin the semester by analyzing written work and developing a baseline for what good argument writing looks like. We will read and discuss scenarios that involve the need for solid argument and text based evidence to persuade an audience, developing a foundation for writing our own arguments. Students will then work together to solve a real world issue. In a proposal argument, students will describe a significant problem and a reasonable solution, applying all of the skills developed in the first semester. We will also improve our critical thinking through reading, writing, and discussion, and will attend to basic research skills, including MLA documentation. Additionally, we will practice the writing traits of word choice, sentence structure, ideas and organization. Lessons for the first semester will come from Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking 6-12. We will also explore arguments in other texts—in popular culture, advertisements, and websites. This will include the reading of To Kill a Mockingbird, and stories by Edgar Allen Poe. Students need to have access to a laptop or tablet that they can bring to class and use at home for research and word processing. If you are in 7th grade, you must have taken my Middle School English class as a prerequisite. Bring a laptop or tablet, paper, pencils, highlighters, binder or other organization system. Homework: 60-90 mins/wk
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$120, Term Total = $120
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$25.00
Upper Elementary English Ages 8yr-10yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2021 Language Arts
- English
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Description:Students in third, fourth, and fifth grades will work to improve their communication skills through oral and written communication. We will focus heavily on the Writing Process, the Traits of Writing, and practice these concepts through expository, persuasive, and narrative writing. Students will also learn to support their ideas through text evidence. Grammar and vocabulary will be woven throughout. Bring a composition style notebook, pencils, pens, colored pencils, scissors. Homework: 1-2 hours a week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$96, Term Total = $96
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00
Washington State History Ages 9yr-11yr Stacie Hunt Fall 2021 Social Studies
- American History
Schedule: Monday - Classroom - 228: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Wednesday - Classroom - 228: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Description:Students will learn all about our wonderful state of WA in a fun, interactive history class for 4th and 5th grade students. Students will create interactive notebooks, discover the Corp of Discovery through literature, participate in reader's theatre, and most importantly, learn the history of the people and events that shaped our state. Bring a composition notebook, pencils, scissors, colored pencils. For second semester, the novel The Captain's Dog Homework: 30 minutes/week
Billable Hours Per Week:2
Admin Tier:Class Override
Admin Fee:$96, Term Total = $96
Class Fee:$100.00
Supply Fee:$0.00

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