The Seedlings Co-op is for families with children 0-9 years old, with a primary focus on pre-school and kindergarten. On co-op day we do chapel together and then classes. Throughout the year we do field trips and moms events. The goal of Seedlings is to provide a safe and fun space for kids to learn with their friends, build a rich community for families, and spread the love of Jesus.
SEEDLINGS IS A COOPERATIVE - parents must be helping during co-op day; all classes are parent taught and the program is parent led! Each participating parent either teaches or helps in a class. There are also opportunities to help plan field trips, coordinate special events, and more!
SEEDLINGS CLASSES ARE DROP OFF - parents are not with tier children throughout the entire program on Thursday mornings. Kids are dismissed to their tracks after chapel.
ALL CHILDREN COMING MUST BE REGISTERED - every child coming with you who is 6mo+ must be registered for a class. Babies younger than 6mo stay with the parent. Parents with infants can wear them or have them in a carseat with them as they assist in a class.
REGISTER EACH CHILD FOR A TRACK - Each track is for a set age group and consists of two classes (ie: Blue Monkeys 5-7yo Block A: Art History, Block B: Fun Experiments) which the kids in that track do together.
DECIDE WHERE YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP - the participating parent helps in one class either in Block A or B. You can request to help in your child's class, or not, classes are drop off so you do not need to be with each of your kids all the time.
FILL OUT THE PARENT PLACEMENT SURVEY - We will send out a parent placement survey where you can let us know which class you'd like to help in. You are not guaranteed the spot you want, but we try our best!
HELP IN YOUR ASSIGNED CLASS AND TAKE YOUR BLOCK OFF - parents help in one of the two blocks and get the other block off! We encourage you to connect with other parents during this time. We like to bring in guest speakers, masseuses, boutique shops, do book swaps and more as well during your block off!
ATTENDANCE - because we are a co-op, it is crucial that members attend! Please don't sign up for Seedlings if your foresee missing several weeks. We need you there! :)
The Seedlings Co-op meets on Thursday mornings from 10-12. Here is a sample of the co-op schedule:
10:00 // Family Style Chapel
10:20 // Block A (first class)
11:00 // Snack
11:10 // Block B (second class)
11:50 // Clean-up, pick-up
$100 membership fee per semester (per family; includes all classes taken at the Resource Center)
$40 Co-op Class Fee per child, per semester**
**Additional materials fees may be added to some tracks depending on their classes. Prices are listed in registration.
Interested in teaching?
Seedlings relies on parents to make classes happen. Seedlings teachers get early registration, which ensures their kids will get into the tracks they want. Teaching is also fun and rewarding! All of our teachers must:
Agree with and sign our Statement of Faith. Any family can join Seedlings, regardless of their faith, however only professing Christians may teach at FPHRC.
Pass a background check (required for all participating parents and guardians, not just teachers).
Have completed at least one session in Seedlings as a helper.
If you meet these requirements and desire to teach next session, please fill out a Seedlings teacher application and a class application.
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